Code of conduct

Working conditions
Wisa Enschede BV’s opinion is that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect and in every situation of the employment relationship, Wisa Enschede compels the labor conditions in accordance with the house rules and strives for a policy of compliance with the law, everywhere where she does business and maintain high standards of business conduct

Working environment
Wisa Enschede BV provides its employees in all industrial buildings with safe working and living conditions. Adequate supply of drinking water, toilets, adequate ventilation, emergency exits, safety regulations and instructions and medical care through the deployment of a company first-aid responder

The facilities / company buildings are built and are maintained according to Dutch legislation. Installations and production processes comply with Dutch legislation, which is under the control of the Labor Inspectorate

Wisa Enschede BV and its partners conduct a policy of non-discrimination that complies with local and national legislation on the grounds of race, color, religion, gender, age, physical capabilities, national origin and any other applicable prohibited basis

Reimbursement of working hours
Employees of Wisa Enschede BV are fairly compensated and provided with wages and benefits that comply with local laws. This includes the appropriate compensation for overtime and other premiums that are payable and required by law

Wisa Enschede BV will comply with all applicable laws regarding working hours, maximum working hours and working days, which are laid down in the employment contract and house rules

Local production and exclusion of child labor

Unfortunately, child labor still exists in some countries where balloons are manufactured. Wisa Enschede BV does not accept child labor or forced labor. This applies both at our own location and at producers of our products

We therefore exclusively use products and materials that come from controlled productions. The rules on the worst forms of child labor and forced labor are respected by WISA Enschede BV and their suppliers in accordance with Convention 138 of the International Labor Organization (ILO)

Wisa Enschede BV actively works to prevent child labor. For example, the management regularly makes unannounced visits to the manufacturers, not only to control the production and products, but also to child labor and the total working conditions

Companies that do not adhere to the “no child labor” principle are excluded by WISA Enschede BV. Wisa therefore also demands that all partners follow this philosophy. We base our actions on the declaration on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations (1989), which defines the basic principle that states that the interests of the child should always come first. Any form of exploitation of children is inadmissible